There He Goes Again…Hubster D. At His Finest

Context:  Hubster D. was reading something on the interwebs about this woman who blamed her husband for signing up for a website for men wishing to have an affair. Little did she know that their daughter signed him up as a prank on her parents. After reading this aloud to me, he commented:

Don’t worry. If I ever cheat on you, I’ll tell you.

Moments later…

Aw shit. I just realized I sounded like a total jackass. 


Hubster D Makes Another Booboo

Hubster D walked into the room and genuinely trying to be sweet and complimentary, said with the biggest smile on his face,

You know, there are a lot of beautiful women in this world, but I wouldn’t trade you for any of them.

He was so proud of himself until I said,

…so I’m not pretty?

He paused, and his grin turned into a look of absolute defeat and a “DAAAAMIIIT!”